Past Event
30/7/2012 - 10/09/2012
Polab 舉辦第一次,為期六星期的即影即有攝影展,今次有幸
浮者漂也,躁是多言欲白,故曰<浮躁>。展覽期間將會舉辦司馬十一攝影講座及一系列關於 Packfilm(撕拉片)活動
Polab held the first Photography Exhitbition for six weeks, this time we have a modern photographer – Mr Shima Eleven. He will exhibit a series of portrait packfilm. " Agite" is stand for Impulsiveness, Emotional and Blindly, intertwined psychological condition.
即影即有珍藏展 Polab X Pioneer Centre Instant Camera Exhibition
Pioneer Centre and Polab Instant Camera Workshop borrowed several polaroid cameras from the World record holder and international polaroid collector Mr. T.M. Wong. Exhibited 100 special polaroids of different ages show to the viewers and introducing the development history of the polaroid.
6/7/2013 - 17/8/2013
陳健雄先生癡戀京劇之中,許多臉部細膩而多感的情緒, 特以即影即有來記錄每一位極度艷麗的京劇演出者.